Rome, Tuesday July 7, 2016
Today, Mons. Karel Kasteel, Protonotary Apostolic of His Holiness Pope Francis, celebrated the Holy Mass.
Mons. Kasteel chose to accompany us on this day, in order to join us in giving thanks through the celebration of the Eucharist, the highest form of thanksgiving, for the many years of government completed by M. María de Anima Christi, for the election of the new Superior General, and in petition for the continued fruits of this General Chapter.
He celebrated the Holy Mass in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, under the title of Mary, “Our Beloved Lady of Bosco Ducale”, celebrated both in Holland and in Belgium, thereby entrusting her with the progression of the Chapter work.
Afterward, he joined us for breakfast.
During the morning, there were no Chapter sessions. In the afternoon, however, the Chapter sessions resumed with the presentations of M. Mary Mother of Mercy McDunnough, who spoke on matters relating to communications, and M. María del Cenáculo Pérez, who offered an evaluation of different items that had remained pending for review.
After the sessions, we had Eucharistic Adoration and Vespers.
M. María del Amor Divino Ortiz, Provincial Superior of the jurisdiction, “Our Lady of Kazan” (Russia), gave the Good Nights, spoke on the value of suffering and on the fruits of the sacrifice of the martyrs for the mission in Russian territory.
In the evening, the Mothers from the Province of the Delegation, “Our Lady of Lujan” (Tajikistan and Kazakhstan) and from the Province, “Our Lady of Kazan” (Russia) prepared dinner, joyfully presenting us with typical plates, photos, videos, and folkloric songs from their missions.
María de Bethlehem Pinciroli
Official Spokesperson