Today, July 23, 2016, M. María Corredentora Rodríguez consecrated the Institute to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
At the end of the hour of Eucharistic Adoration and Vespers in the Chapel of the Daughters of Christ the King, M. Corredentora, while kneeling in front of the Blessed Sacrament in exposition, read the formula of consecration of the Institute of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We then sang the Litanies in honor of the Sacred Heart. In this way our Institute, its works, and each one of the Servidoras, have been entrusted to the Heart of Christ, from which flow rays of light and mercy, fount of blessings and graces.
In the Good Nights relative to this act of consecration having just taken place, M. Corredentora reminded us of this passage in our Constitutions: ” We must never cease to consider the inexhaustible treasure of virtues of Jesus’ hypostatic Heart. To contemplate this most rich source, without ever lifting our gaze from it, should be the badge of honor, the distinctive sign, of our Institute (Directory of Spirituality, 75).
Long live the Heart of Jesus, our King and our Father!