Roma, Martes 5 de julio de 2016
Today, we participated in a Holy Mass of thanksgiving celebrated by Rev. Fr. Andrea David on the 15th anniversary of his priestly ordination.
Rev. Fr. Alberto Barattero, IVE, concelebrated and preached the homily.
Rev. Fr. Alberto Barattero, Spiritual Father of the SSVM, gave the morning presentations, which focused on the joint work of the two Institutes and on the apostolates that the IVE and the SSVM undertake together at the present time, such as the "Cornelio Fabro Cultural Project" and the "Third Order Secular".
In the afternoon, we proceeded with the election of the General Council members, as indicated by our Constitutions in n. 301.
"Afterward, the Chapter will proceed to elect, by absolute majority, two members who will be part of the General Council, and then to elect the first, second, and third substitute Councilors, also by absolute majority".
The following Mothers were elected:
First Titular Councilor: M. Mary of the Sacred Heart Gaes (USA)
Second Titular Councilor: M. Mary Mother of Mercy McDunnough (USA)
First Substitute Councilor: M. María Sponsa Amabilis Araujo Medeiros (Brasil)
Second Substitute Councilor: M. María de la Consolata Carballo (Argentina)
Third Substitute Councilor: M. María Orante Pildain (Argentina)
Within the next days, M. María Corredentora will complete the General Council by naming the Vicar, Secretary, and Treasurer.
When the elections and the celebrations had ended, there was a moment of free time, followed by Eucharistic Adoration.
M. María Pía Carbajal, gave the Good Nights. She is the Superior of the Community, "Mary of Bethlehem", which attends the Mercy Home, "Niño Dios", of Bethlehem in the Holy Land.
M. Pia mainly spoke about the mission in the Middle East and some plans for the houses there.
In the evening, we continued to celebrate today's elections, in an atmosphere of vibrant joy.
María de Bethlehem Pinciroli
Official Spokesperson