Rome, Tuesday July 6, 2016
Today, Rev. Fr. Elvio Fontana, General Council member of the IVE, presided and preached the homily in the Holy Mass, and Rev. Fr. Alberto Barattero concelebrated.
M. María de Anima Christi van Eijk began the morning work sessions with a presentation on the modality of work that should characterize the government of the Institute. Next, María del Calvario Scaloni presented the topic of administration.
In the afternoon, M. María Madre de Gracia Ocampo gave two presentations: first, on the transmission of the Patrimony and Charism of the Institute, and second, on matters regarding the organization of the Secretary and the Archives.
When the afternoon sessions had finished, we had Eucharistic Adoration, the Sacrament of Confession, and Vespers. M. María Laetitia Crucis Tsang, currently a missionary in Hong Kong (Province "Mother of God, Empress of China") gave the Good Nights. She is the Local Superior of the Community "Our Lady of Sheshan". M. Laetitia Crucis spoke briefly about the mission in Hong Kong.
In the evening, dinner was prepared by the Mothers of the Middle East, including the Province, "Our Lady of the Exile" (Egypt and Tunisia), and the Province, "Our Lady of Sorrows" (Palestine, Israel, Jordan, and Syria). They regaled us with the traditional food from those countries, and presented songs and photos of the various foundations of the mission.
During dinner, M. Corredentora announced the new General Council:
Vicar General: M. Mary of the Sacred Heart Gaes (USA)
General Secretary: M. María Orante Pildain (Argentina)
General Treasurer: M. Mary Mother of Mercy McDunnough (USA)
1º General Counsel Member: M. María de la Consolata Carballo (Argentina)
2º General Counsel Member: M. María Sponsa Amabilis Araujo Medeiros (Brasil)
María de Bethlehem Pinciroli
Official Spokesperson