Rome, Tuesday July 12, 2016
This morning we received a visit from Msgr. Juan Antonio Martínez Camino, auxiliary Bishop of Madrid, who celebrated the Holy Mass for us.
In his homily, he spoke about the message that the Liturgy of the Word transmits to us today, referencing the Responsorial Psalm and the Gospel, especially commenting on the verse, “God upholds his city for ever”.
Among other things, he remarked how Holy Scripture speaks about a judgment in which the last word of God will examine our faith and our personal conversion. It is mentioned that “Ephraim is shattered”. “Capernaum” also, even though it constituted one of the principle locations for the preaching of Our Lord and was a privileged witness of his miracles, will likewise disappear, and in fact today remains in ruins. Nevertheless, he explained, the city of God is not of this world, and is founded on the Body and the Blood of Christ, who is the “Cornerstone”.
He ended by thanking us for the invitation to celebrate the Holy Mass within this particular time of the General Chapter and commended the work of these days, the mission, and the future of our Institute to the Blessed Virgin Mary, pronouncing it as a part of this Church which wishes to show in the 21st century that the foundation of the true city is the Blood of Christ.
Afterward, over breakfast, he took the time to greet all the Mothers, inquiring about their respective places of mission.
In the first morning work session, M. Maria Sponsa Amabilis Araujo Medeiros (Provincial Superior of “Nuestra Señora Aparecida”, of Brazil y now new General Council member), expounded on some main points with relation to “Fraternal Life in Common” and some proposals submitted to the Chapter on this topic.
M. María de la Consolata Carballo (General Council member), presented the proposal of some corrections and precisions regarding the Directory of “Spiritual Direction”.
Next, M. María de la Providencia Núñez (ex-Superior General), spoke about the Works of Mercy, on the basis of some experiences that were gathered from this important apostolate in the various mission sites of our Institute. She also presented the proposals that had been submitted to the Chapter for review.
In the afternoon, the first exposition was given by M. Maria Stella del Mare Orazietti (current Vicar of the International Juniorate, “St. Theresa of Jesus”, in Italy), who identified some principles on Volunteer Work, found in our Directory of the Works of Mercy. She also presented an evaluation of what is being accomplished in the different Jurisdictions of the Institute. M. Mary Mother of Mercy McDunnough (General Treasurer) presented the guidelines of an organizational plan for volunteer work.
The last presentation of the day was on the collaboration of youth in our Homes of Mercy, given by María Reina de los Ángeles Cueva Gonzaga, Superior of the community, “Beata Mercedes de Jesús Molina” that attends a home for youth in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
After all the sessions were completed, we had Eucharistic Adoration and Vespers. The Good Nights were given by M. María de Harissa Achem, Superior of the Delegation, “Nuestra Señora de los Buenos Aires” (that includes Paraguay the provinces of East Argentina: Buenos Aires, Santiago del Estero and Santa Fe). She recounted some anecdotes on the apostolate of the Oratory involving the poorest and the most needy, in a peripheral zone of La Plata, emphasizing the importance of the testimony given by the religious life, particularly in the life of prayer in the mission.
M. María de Bethlehem Pinciroli
Official Spokesperson