Official News Bulletin Nº 19

Rome, Friday July 15, 2016

Today, the Holy Mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Tomás Bonello, IVE.

M. María de Nazareth Vergara, Local Superior of the Community “Santa Tecla” spoke in the first work session, showing how even in these difficult moments of the war, they continue the mission with great sacrifice and generosity, particularly in the apostolate of working with youth from the university.

On behalf of the Commission that has been working on the composition of the document regarding to apostolate with youth, M. Nazaret presented some corrections to the text that had been seen a few days ago, which included, by suggestion of the Chapter, expanding the topic in such a way so as to include work with youth from the university. After the presentation, the text was approved as a new Directory of “Homes for Receiving Youth”.

Next, M. María Dolorosa Soler, Prioress of the Monastery, “Holy Patrons of Europe“, in Valencia, Spain, presented a proposal in which she thoroughly developed the topic, “Lectio Divina”, already expressly recommended by our Directory of Spirituality (cf. n. 236), thereby proposing to encourage the practice not only among Religious of the monastic branch, but also among all the Religious of our Institute.

Afterward, M. Mary of the Sacred Heart Gaes (Vicar General) presented some proposals concerning Government in general.

In the second session of the morning, M. María de Šiluva Mikalonis (Superior of the International Juniorate in Italy), announced the changes made to the curricula of study in some subjects of the Ratio of the Juniorate, in order to adapt them to the credit hours already approved in previous sessions.

M. María de Pentecostés Hemmingsen (Local Superior of the Community of Luxembourg), gave the final exposition of the morning on behalf of the Commission working on the Liturgical issues, presenting the final text of the Liturgical Rule as well as the appendix, according to the corrections suggested by the Chapter in previous sessions.

In the afternoon, the following contributions were made:

M. María Ana de Jesús Carrió, (Local Superior of the community that attends the school “Isabel la Católica” in Argentina), stated the requisites for the possible creation of a post-secondary track of Higher Studies in Religious Sciences, which is to be left for review by the General Government.

M. María de las Mercedes Piña (Prioress of the Monastery in Holand), presented the final corrections to the text of the Monastic Rule.

M. María de las Victorias Zapata (Provincial Superior of the Far East), spoke about some of the proposals regarding various texts of the Directory of Government studied by a Commission, which had yet to be addressed, and which were then submitted for the respective approvals.

M. María de Itatí Lorente (ex-Superior General), presented the proposals regarding the Religious Life.

Finally, M. María de la Salut Borrell (Provincial Superior of Spain and France), spoke about the proposals submitted to the Chapter, proposing different points in relation to the missions and apostolates, and manifesting the opinion of the Commission that had evaluated them.

In the evening, we had Eucharistic Adoration and Vespers. The Good Nights were given by M. María Ancilla Humilis Carreia de Barros, from Brazil. M. Ancilla Humilis is the Local Superior of the Community “María Reina del Paraíso” in Papua New Guinea, mission that is currently dependent on the General Government.  She spoke about the religious life in the mission, with some reflections of the mission of the first evangelization in Papua New Guinea.

With great joy, we would like to inform you of the acceptance and confirmation of Rev. Fr. Gustavo Nieto, Superior General of the IVE, in response of the request made by the General Chapter of the Servants of the Lord for the appointment of Rev. Fr. Diego Pombo as Spiritual Father.  We thank Rev. Fr. Alberto Barattero for the spiritual assistance of our Institute and for his availability and valuable counsels over the past six years.

Tomorrow, Saturday, July 16th and Sunday, July 17th, there will be no Chapter sessions.


M. María de Bethlehem Pinciroli
Official Spokesperson